I have been trying for years to grow Moonflowers. We had the most magnificent Moonflower… Read the postMoonflowers
Exactly one month from today, July 11th, I will stand at the place of Justin’s… Read the postI was there when he drew his first breath, I need to see where he breathed his last.
The trifecta of spring grief was intense this year. It started with his birthday, moved… Read the postWeaving Peace
I am on a purging binge, again. I hate stuff, so sick of stuff. Stuff… Read the postSo sick of stuff.
A question I have had for well over a year now, and a question that… Read the postCan we really prove that God exists?
Since January I have been culling through my book stacks, the “want to read again… Read the postStacks and stacks of books.
I am still collecting and reflecting on my thoughts from the conference I attended last… Read the postGetting Lost, again. Getting Found, again.
For two Fridays in a row that question has come up in the preacher’s homily.… Read the postDo you trust me? The difference between intimacy and quickies.