Dear Friends,
Your encouraging words and unconditional love and support for my writing gave me the courage to submit a piece to a most wonderful site called the Mudroom. The first line I read when I visited their site stole my heart, “The Mudroom is a place for the stories emerging in the midst of the mess.” My original, not published before work, “Riding the Grief Wave” is being featured on their site today, I am deeply honored. Please continue the journey with me and share this moment by following the link at the end of the excerpt below. You can comment right at their site and I hope you can take a few moments and wander through the other stories posted there.
“My hand grabs a heavy plastic bag as I reach to the very back of the closet. I couldn’t place it at first, and then my heart wrenches when I see the blue sweater. Justin’s sweater, and a blue polo shirt that I had carefully saved from his belongings. His sweet scent and the faint smell of his laundry detergent have clung to the fibers from when they were first returned.”
You can read the rest of the story Here.