Just a week ago we were awaiting the perfect storm that had formed off the coast, 33 inches of snow later this is what the camera saw at the bird feeders. I love the drama that happens in the nook of the tree, our little feathered friends provided many moments of joy as we watched the snow fall.

I just looked out the window and it is snowing like mad! I am waiting for a little knock on the door from the squirrels to let me know that I forgot to put out their portion of treats this morning.
Peace and all good to each of you, may your day be safe and warm.
I love these, and it’s interesting to compare birds. We have red-breasted nuthatches rather than white-breasted ones, our chickadees are the black-capped and chestnut-backed type, and we have Steller’s Jays rather than Blue Jays. And we don’t get cardinals here on the coast! 🙁
Thank you Andrea! I would love to go birding with you one day to discover all the different residents of your island! I always feel like we have been visited by royalty when the cardinal arrives, even if he is bossy! Thinking of you these winter days.
These are gorgeous! I love wild birds and about pee my pants every time I see a gold finch or cardinal. and my favorite is your favorite with the male cardinal. You always see a male and female together and my dad always says (as if it were the first time it occurred to him) ‘You know I think the female is even prettier than the male’ – and I agree. Okay, because it’s what I do…have you thought about submitting your photos? Google ‘nature photography submission guidelines’ and you’ll get lots of places. Cheers!
Thank you Susan! I love when you do what you do, your words of encouragement are priceless. I am going to Google and explore the possibilities!
I am the same way with the wild birds, I find them so enchanting. I am contemplating a third goldfinch feeder to see if I can’t coax a flock of them to the yard this spring. I agree about the female cardinals, they have a quiet elegance to them that is just regal. She is not nearly so bossy as the male. So far we have just the one pair of cardinals, the males are fiercely territorial.
Thank you for the gift of your time and note. Wishing you a very peace filled day.
Terri these are so beautiful, I am in awe.
Thank you Doreen! Our visitors put on quite a show!
I envy your photos! How do you get these? Real SLR camera? I got a few with my phone, through the window, but they don’t chow much detail. We have a cardinal pair too, as well as finches and chickadees and others I can’t name. I was excited to see an unfamiliar bird with a long beak and a different way of clinging to the feeder. I googled “red-headed birds” and learned we are hosting a flicker – a new one to me. What fun watching birds come to feed – a consolation for three-feet of snow.
Hi Angie,
Yes, I am shooting with a Nikon D3300 dSLR. Doug gifted me with the Nikon for our 34th wedding anniversary. He had been wanting to get me a camera for years and I kept on saying no. Then I finally said yes. I was hooked after taking the first picture. He also got me a set of instructional DVD’s to go with the camera which are so well done. I got a telephoto lens and spend most of the time shooting with it, I love detail. And I have total flicker envy! I love the woodpeckers and I have not seen that one in person! So. Much. Snow. It is not as fun as it used to be!
So very stunning. I am words. Photography is not my gift. I tremendously appreciate that gift in others <3
Thank you Carla for visiting and your kind words. I only just started with photography with a dSLR camera, it has opened a new world for me. I love your words, they are honest and thought provoking.
Lovely pictures! I’m excited every time when I see Cardinals. Anytime I see birds at my feeders I squeal like I’d never seen a bird before. My family teases me about it. There’s something very soothing about watching the birds.
Thank you Laurie! We sound like kindred spirits. Every time the cardinal graces us with his presence, it is like seeing him for the first time. You just never know who is going to fly in for a visit. I find watching the birds very relaxing also, I can just breathe and enjoy them. Wishing you many happy sightings this winter!
These are great! I love your narration too! They almost don’t look real.
Thank you so much Haralee! It was one of those moments where everything came together, the natural light, the endless snow for backdrop, and the birds were in fine form. Thank you for visiting today!
What beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing your captures with us. Love this!
Thank you Andrea for your kind words and visit! It is my pleasure to share them, it was such a remarkable day – worth every inch of the three feet of snow we received. The snow created many moments of bird watching!
Birds personally mean something to me, and I loved how you captured them in these photos.
Thank you Jennifer. Birds touch my heart. We could not afford to feed them for years and then this spring two Goldfinches visited us and continued to visit even without a feeder. I kept thinking it must be Justin telling us not to give up. So I started with a single tube feeder with thistle seed, that grew to two, and then – well, we now have four feeders and suet feeder. Thank you for the gift of your time today, wishing you a peace filled day.
Lovely lovely images! Thx so much for sharing!
Thank you Paula! My pleasure to share, thank you for the gift of your visit and kind words!
Beautiful photos! I feed our birds here in Illinois and they are so much fun-definitely individuals!!
Thank you Laura! They are such individuals, each one with their own personality. I had a flock of robins breeze in for a few moments, they didn’t stay long, but it was lovely to see them for a few minutes. Thank you so much for the visit and note.
I am in awe of anyone who can take pictures of wildlife. My photography is limited to shots of things that stay still. Or that don’t move too fast.
Thank you Alana! It was a pretty sweet couple of days with the camera! I have to be honest, I have quite a few of empty feeders, they move so fast! Thank you for taking the time to visit.
Your photos are so awesome! Love the cardinal. They are great pictures with the snow.
Thank you Penny for the gift of your time and note! I love the cardinal too, he has a huge personality! The snow was gorgeous, not so much fun to shovel, but it provided such a spotless backdrop! Wishing you a peace filled day.
Beautiful photos with some fun insights about Stompy Cardinal and his less-grumpy ladybird. I just found out that there are feeders in Prospect Park when I was out looking for winter ducks a couple of weeks ago, I’ll have to go back sometime to see if I can see any stories going on there!
Did see a fun little thing where a couple of American Coots swam towards each other coot-calling at each other until they bonked heads – then they swam off together looking so companionable, you could almost think they were giggling about going “bonk”.
Hello Bonnie, thank you so much for your visit and note. And sharing your Coot story, I love birds, ducks, swans, if it has feathers, I am a fan. They have such personalities. Wishing you a peace filled day and a weekend filled with good things!